Snail girl era??

I came across this new word few days ago which caught my attention. I did my reading on this newfound concept to understand its origin and the meaning. Turns out it was first coined by an Australian fashion designer named Sienna Ludbey. The idea of SGA (Snail girl era) is to slow down slogging from work, slow down the rat race, basically slow down on anything related to corporate hard work. To make it simpler it’s the opposite of girl boss.

I liked the sound of it. This is exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I have been in the rat race for 10 years which ultimately took me nowhere. The more I won the race, the more the race progressed and there seemed no stopping to it. I believed this is the way of life since everyone did it, I assumed it’s fair if I did too. But who is clapping for me each time I won? No one. This is sad. Despite of the hail or storm I ran the race thinking it’s the right thing to do. Hamster on a wheel or a horse and a carrot stick is the right example to describe the life I lived.

I recently quit my job not knowing what’s next. I wasn’t inspired by SGA to quit because my quitting happened before I even knew what SGA is. Ironically, before SGA could make its announcement on the internet, I began to embrace slow living. This helped me in many ways by especially calming down my nervous system, identifying my stressors, exercising, eating healthy, breathing in breathing out, learning new things, getting to know myself even better. I began to analyze and reassess people, things I once thought were important. I used my break well enough to realize I need to remove certain people from my life whom I thought meant well while infact they did not.

You see, during my decade of working it never once occurred I must know who my “friends” are. I had more than 200 contacts in my phone, about 700 friends in my Facebook and I followed 400+ people on IG. These huge numbers I followed were just colleagues and ex colleagues from work and acquaintances who simply followed me, and I followed back with no actual conversations since years. It seemed pointless having them around with no actual benefit. I took charge in clearing out many people. I did not feel guilty, nor did I waste time thinking how they would feel if they got to know I removed them from my list. Truth is, they will never know. This digital decluttering is much needed for me to finally breathe. Now I am surrounded with meaningful like-minded people who mean well. This is one such activity I did while I embraced my SGA.

SGA is not a bad idea after all. It is essential and much needed to sit with our selves. I neglected self-care during my busy years which I now am able to focus upon. I began reading and I am compelling to finish a book by the end of 2023. I need to get back to writing which was and is my passion but neglected due to my 9–5. Life is actually good when we slow down.

“Pause and reflect”

I am using my time well on my personal reflections. This time is very crucial for me to pause, reflect in order to move forward. For instance, I am an online shopper, not an impulsive one but a mindful shopper. I clearly know the difference between my needs and wants. If I must buy something I see, I ask myself if I really need it or want it. Is it worth the money I spend or can I survive without it. This analysis taught me to refrain from unnecessary expenditure. Another practice I began is to listen to my senses. If I happen to meet someone or I am invited somewhere, if I feel the vibe is off, I listen to it and never make my appearance again. If it’s between fight or flight, I choose flight. It’s the safest and wise choice for me.

What got me to this decision?

During my working years I remember feeling disconnected with myself. I felt I am living someone else’s life and not mine. I did things for the people and not for me. Horrifically, I became people pleaser. But you see, my job demanded me to be people person which I personally did not like. In my expressive opinion hearing words like people person literally translates to “people pleaser”. It’s the corporate way of telling to be a bootlicker. Now don’t get me wrong on this interpretation with your pitchforks for we all have our frustrations to let it out based on our individual experiences!

I had to put on a fake personality like I cared what people wanted while each passing moment I cursed everyone under my breath. I simply did not belong here. I found my corporate life overwhelming and exhausting. There were days I cried in the office washroom and there were nights I cried my eyes out to sleep. This I realized is my body’s way of saying to slow down to take a break. At first, I neglected signs knowingly well there’s nothing much I can do. I thought grinding the mill will heal in due time, but it only got worse.

I remember being wanting to climb up the corporate ladder taking up leadership responsibilities. This was before I knew the repercussions. At the time I liked being girl boss, but since the recent days I strongly felt it has run its course. I remember the days taking my office work home which to no avail stole my personal time. Not wanting to continue this further I decided to step down. In other words, I took a pause, reflected on what I was doing and wondered how any of this is useful in the long run. Of course, “we must work for survival but also understand we must and should take a step back when needed!”

Taking a step back from girl boss to snail girl era may not be for everyone. Understand that I am neither encouraging nor motivating you readers to choose your pick. I am only expressing how the life we once perceived to be effective will eventually lose its effectiveness. All that glitters is not gold. People around the globe are slowly realizing which lifestyle works best for them. Very few work on their desired passion projects while the rest stick to rat race. Either way, whatever works best — to each unto their own.

I will advise one important aspect — it’s not just enough to take a break: it’s essential. Embrace the power of pause! Take time to rejuvenate, re-educate and rediscover your passion.

That one time I stood up for myself!

Growing up I was never a brave person. I did not stand up for myself while I was being taken for granted simply because I was told at a very young age — “it’s very rude to talk back to people, this is not an appropriate behaviour”. These lines have been ingrained in my mind for many years which while growing up has done more harm to me than good.

Fast forward to years later, long story short; recently a colleague and I texted each other. In one of the text he addressed me by a name I did not like. It wasn’t anything like honey, baby sort of names he used. Rather it was more of a name calling he did. At first I could not muster the courage to tell him not to call me that way. I was rather more scared & worried upon wondering how would he react if I had the courage to tell him not to name call me. Took me a couple of moments to battle my thoughts & emotions until I finally decided to listen to the voice in my head. I texted right back at him saying not to name call me again as it was very rude & disrespectful. Immediately, he texted back apologising and said he did not mean to use such words on purpose and that he would refrain himself from using such remarks. Ever since this had happened neither did he text nor call me. I felt a huge surge of freedom & relief on what I did – something which I should have practised a very long time ago. Although I could not blame myself for my upbringing as all those were in the past. And I’m sure most of us at certain point in our lives were taught to behave in a certain manner which may seem appealing toward the society just so to be in their good books and that which may not be personally in favour to us.

Had I not spoken up, I would still berate myself up so hard for not defending myself. I would still be bitter with resentment harbouring this rage inside of me constantly hurting myself thinking why didn’t I speak up when I had the chance. The more I caved in, the more I realised the other person gains the power over me and that’s how people living in silence have been taken for granted.

What did I learn here?
With this one experience I learnt, one need to work on their self to be respected. It is when you do not value yourself, eventually you lose sight of who you are. This becomes evident as we interact with people among us. Courage to speak up is one step away from fear, hesitation or whatever is holding you back. Of course we will lose certain people by setting up boundaries for our well being. But the right ones will stay with you & will not harm you. Moreover, not everyone you lose in your life is a loss.

To conclude, I quote my favourite — “But sometimes your light attracts moths & your warmth attracts parasites. Protect your space and energy” — Warsan Shire.

Simply put, you can’t change the people around you. But you can change the people around you. Read that again. Let that sink in – Anonymous

The clutches of time!!

Amateur Photography Amateur Photos Art Black and white blog blogging blogging101 Blogging 201 Creativity Daily challenges Daily post Daily prompt dpchallenge Flowers Food India inspiration life Living Modern poem Monochrome motivation Mundane Monday Mundane Monday Challenge Nature Photo Photo challenge Photo editing Photography Photos Poem postaday postaweek quotes Street photography Street photos The Daily Post Travel Travel photography Travel photos Weekly photo challenge Wordless Wednesday WordPress writing

Amateur Photography Amateur Photos Art Black and white blog blogging blogging101 Blogging 201 Creativity Daily challenges Daily post Daily prompt dpchallenge Flowers Food India inspiration life Living Modern poem Monochrome motivation Mundane Monday Mundane Monday Challenge Nature Photo Photo challenge Photo editing Photography Photos Poem postaday postaweek quotes Street photography Street photos The Daily Post Travel Travel photography Travel photos Weekly photo challenge Wordless Wednesday WordPress writing


Once we compare ourself with something bigger and unattainable, we lose our focus and identity!

First, know yourself

know your likes and dislikes,

know what excites you and those which turn you off to bad mood,

know how your behaviour affect or influence someone; work on those that make you a better person each day.

As humans, we evolve – we grow – nothing’s permanent – inclusive of our behaviour so as to speak.

This way the urge and the need to compare will no longer be a necessity as Self worth itself is a satisfaction achieved! 



– Natasha

P.S: I do not claim any rights or authorization to the image posted above.




Yes, a lovely reminder

To the one reading this

I know its not going to be easy.

But, give yourself a chance to heal and recover rather being bitter.

And most of all, forgive yourself.

Be gentle; be patient

It’s alright; take time to heal no matter how slow..

Time heals; you move on eventually

That is how you live.

Most of all, that is how you begin to feel & love! ❤




Take care – a note to self & unto others.


Take care; be gentle with self.
You are only a human prone to make mistakes.
Be kind to self.
Learn – move on – repeat; for this alone is constant.
Be still, listen to the voice of your heart. What does it say?! 
A second chance is all you need. Third, fourth if required …
Why be limited with less chances when you have many to live by …



Weekly Photo Challenge *Graceful*


This spot, caught my attention while I was in search of a Graceful image to post.

“A plant has a power to creep over with its vine yet, so gracefully done”.

Albeit this bike is old & remains untouched for years, the vine grew untamed & wild which had room to creep over the bike and remains still.

A little deep introspect of this image made me realize we are this still bike. And, often or sometimes we allow our vine of thoughts to creep over & enthrall our minds making us go numb

Simple as it may seem to cut off the creeper plant off the bike but, how simple would it be to remove the creeping thoughts off the mind? (A rhetorical question!)


– Submitting in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge 

From the archives!!!!

WOW!!!!!!!! Cannot believe today has been a year exact i wrote this article “life at work and life with life itself” dated on October 14, 2014!! This was my second writing & i remember how nervous i was to publish & make my writing go public. You can read about the article here.

My first blog writing was on October 7, 2014 which i wrote here regarding the types of writers.

Do read & let know what do you think!

Until then, see ya 🙂