mmc #7 – In times of need, …


Bored i was while I had nothing to do when the power was off last night.

This is the only image i see in the dark so i could take a photograph.!

Now i understand why they say, ‘You are the only light at my darkest hour’.

  Mundane Monday Challenge – #36



mmc #4 – Leaves have faces too ;)

Leaves fall when they dry. A natural thing that happen. Seeing many fallen leaves on the ground, i thought why not create something out of it. An art, maybe ? So here’s what i did.

this leaf here sits so poised & relaxes like those in the beach ( i have a wild imagination they say )
this leaf has a face
this too o_O

Damn these perspectives are everywhere! o_O

 Mundane Monday by  PhoTrablogger